Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Einstein Baby??

Does this hair do remind you of anyone???

Happy Baby!

Marcus lays down and bawls every time we bring him in the house... he just wants to play outside.

Let's go fishing!

This fishing pole has been in Marcus's room since he was born and he just found it the other day. But he was very interested and I think he is ready to go fishing! Or at least play in the water.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy baby

After crashing from his sugar high, Marcus was ready for a nap!

Mmmmmm....Birthday cake!

Here are a couple of shots of Marcus eating his first birthday cake. I think he liked it. These are only midway through. We had to strip him down and go straight to the tub when he was done.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Master Chef

Ok, maybe not master chef... but he sure likes to play in the kitchen. He put this bowl on and off of his head about 20 times today. I guess that is pretty fun! I will have to remember that.

Mini Gangster! just kidding

Marcus looks very gangster with his long shorts and tall socks. It was so nice outside today, he threw a fit when I made him go in the house.

My weird Mom!

I thought I would try to take a picture of Marcus and I together... He thought I was pretty weird. The second try, we gave some cheesy smiles!