Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bales From Beyond (the fence)

Ages ago I went on a fishing trip with my father-in-law, grand-father-in-law, and a couple of my wife's uncles (I'm sure they're some sort of in-law's, but who really knows).  I was joined by Colby (b-i-l, below-right), and another outlaw, Torry, seen here.  We had a pretty good time, but I didn't catch any fish.  I can't say why, but my best hit was when I was dangling a spoon over the side and a white bass jumped out of the water, hit it, and must have caught the treble, because that spoon ripped right off the line.  I think I had that spoon for like 26 years.

So Colby couldn't keep it together for the ride home and as you can see was pretty sleepy.  I think the picture is a classic, and should probably be framed and hung above our mantle, but Kalee has another idea for what should go there.  Anyway, props Colby.  I don't think I could sleep like that.

We're heading to O'Neill this weekend, and maybe we'll see some more bales like these on the way.  It's been a pretty wet summer so who knows, they may have gotten so many cuttings they could be littered across the highway.  I jest, but can't wait to take that mini vay kay.

1 comment:

kalee said...

that is a hillarious picture of colbs! i love it! kalee.