Monday, November 29, 2010

Papa's Birthday and Thanksgiving at Aunt Jessi's....

So today is Grandpa Jim's birthday!  We wanted to go to his house to make sure he got his gift from Marcus and Molly, mostly Marcus.  He got a fishin game for ages 4+.  Marcus says they have it at church and he wanted to get that! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA!!!

 Aren't they cute?!
 Molly says cheeeeeese, and wants you to take her picture.

 Look another picture with all of us in it!!!! It is a Christmas miracle!!!  We took this picture at Jessi and Casey's house in front of their tree, cuz I didn't think it would ever happen at our house, in front of our tree!  Thanks Aunt Jessi's for hosting thanksgiving, we had a great time!

Love, Kalee.

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