Monday, July 21, 2014

East Coast Family Trip #2

By our third day, we were in Hershey, PA, home of Hershey Chocolate and the Hershey Chocolate World.  Besides the excellent aircondishoned mega candy store, we were also treated to singing cows.  Happy cows make happy milk.  Happy milk makes the best chocolate.

Chocolate Store and happy singing cows.  We rode the ride twice, it's free and has some really great smells!
We also booked some time to make our very own, computer engineered, custom, delicious chocolate bars.  We even got free hats and beard masks for those quarter inch long whiskers of mine.

From there we moved on to Philadelphia, where we toured around City Center, checking out the Liberty Bell, getting a drink from a drinking fountain. 


The Philadelphia Club, meeting place of Philly's most rich and influential for nap time and chicken salad sandwiches.

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