Tuesday, July 22, 2014

East Cost Family Trip #5 - Gettysburg National Cemetary

The next day we woke up from our crazy ice cream an mini-golf induced haze and headed over to the Gettysburg National Cemetary.  There were signs everywhere asking for silence and reservation.  Who where they kidding!  Silence pasha!  Reservation, unheard of!

Our saving grace was that many other attendees leave coins on the graves of unknown soldiers.  As far as the Park Service is concerned, the coins are litter/vandalism, so M & M collected as many as they good.

The coin thing is probably based on some Voodoo and urban legends that say if you pay off the unremembered dead, they won't come to haunt you.  I don't believe in any of that hooey.  Now if I could only get rid of this unexplained itch...

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