Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Marcus in motion...and the aftermath!

Marcus had a great Christmas. He has enjoyed all of his gifts, for at least a couple minutes at a time before he leaves them and gets something else. Here is Marcus playing with some of his trucks, and a picture of my living room after he had played for a while!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Baby Number TWO!

I had my ultrasound last week and everything is looking good. Here are a couple pictures for you all to see! May 5th is still looking like the due date. I feel the baby kick a lot and I look like I am getting fatter (probably because I am!). But other than that, nothing much has changed! We did not find out the sex of the baby. It well be a mystery till the end! Sorry mom!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Snow Man!

Marcus finally had his first real encounter with snow. At first he thought you were supposed to pick it up and rub it on your mom's pants. Then he saw Matt shoveling and and he decided to do that, except with a rake. We had him pretty bundled up and he really struggled to get up when he would fall down!

Little Cars!

Thank you Aunt Deb for providing hours of entertainment to Marcus. He played with these little cars forever! In fact, he had a mini melt down this morning because he wanted to take one to daycare. I caved so that one might not make it home!

Big Cars!

Marcus got lots of new cars for Christmas, so far! Aunt Mary Ann and Uncle Jan brought these two cars to have at grandma's house. He really likes them. He does not steer them yet, and therefore had his first fender bender resulting in a dent in grandma's wall!