Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Some cute pictures.

Marcus and Molly sharing race cars in Mama and Daddy's room.

Does this next picture look frightening?

Birthday Pie with Papa and, yes, we had our turkey hats on...

We were inspired by the movie Elf...

Tummy time...

This is how Molly likes to ride in the stroller, sitting up and looking around. I am always afraid she will fall out.

Bring on Round 6...

I took Molly to the doctor today to have some blood work done.  It was all good and she can receive her next treatment.  This will be round 6 and hopefully her last chemo.  We will continue to have exams to check the tumors for quite a while. She will also have an MRI sometime in January.  I can't wait till January is over.

Also, did anyone else have snow for Christmas?  We had a little. That was fun.  We got stuck in the drive way on Christmas Eve.  Matt had to dig out the car!  He finally got it in the garage and then we didn't get scooped out again, till 2 days later. 

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My cutie pies...

I haven't put any pictures on here for a while, so here a couple from the other day!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

On the mend from round 5...

Molly had more blood work today.  Her counts were all good and on thier way up since saturday!  She is basically ready to go for the next round.  Thank you to my neighbor for watching Marcus this morning. 

Monday, December 14, 2009

Funny Marcus...

Molly is doing good.   She had to recieve platelets over the weekend.  We go back tomorrow for more blood work.  Hopefully, she will be good to go. She is no longer nauseated.  She has been getting some tummy time in again. 
Marcus is so funny!  Today on Curious George, George had a cold.  George took a nap and had a dream he went into his own body to meet the germs and tell them to leave.  Marcus was freakin out.  He did not like that george went into his own body!  He was really wierd today!
Hope everyone is getting all their Christmas shopping done.  I went to the mall on the weekend, I promise I will never do that again!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Here goes...

Molly has been a bit nauseated.  She isn't eating very much.  She seems pretty happy though.  We will go in I think Thursday, to get blood work done. Hopefully, she won't be too low on anything. Otherwise, we are just hanging out, getting through all this.  Marcus is good.  When we got back from Philly, Marcus said he lost us.  He meant he missed us.  It was pretty cute.  As always, he had a great time at Lala and Papa's house.  A big thank you to them for taking such good care of my Marcus.  Sounds like Molly is done with her nap, gotta go...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Some pictures from grandma... and Round 5...

Here are some super cute pictures of Molly.  This is before chemo with all of her hair.  I forgot how much she had!

And then here is a picture from the other day, all happy!

Isn't she cute?

Molly had her EUA yesterday by Dr. Carol Shields.  They said she is doing great. Everything is going like it should.  The tumors didn't really shrink a whole lot more, but they are still calcifying.  We were told that with this kind of cancer, they watch it very closely after chemo is done, because there is a 10-15% chance the main tumors can come back and a 40-50% chance for a new tiny tumor to pop up. Dr. Shields said that small amounts of reoccurance are pretty typical, and aren't as big of a concern as other types of cancer.  They pretty much expect that something will pop up.  If and when it does, they will use cryotherapy and freeze it, and it's done.  So, they will watch her closely for 3 years.  She had chemo yesterday afternoon, and is having it now. Round 5 is almost complete! Then tomorrow back on the plane home.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

We all SCREAM for Ice Cream

You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream. Well Molly does too. Kalee gave her a taste of her mango flavored ice cream, and now there's no looking back. After that first taste, Molly became intently observant of the movement of Kalee's spoon. Too many trips with out stopping at the Molly Mouth Depot, and it was DEFCON 1... all forces go... let mom and dad know the mouth needs more.

We made it to Philadelphia without incident, albeit we had to get up at 3:45 AM, or the butt crack of dawn, you decide. Ronnie had room for us again so we're crashing at his place. Good thing he's gots lots of spare beds. Don't tell him I told you this, but he needs to buy some shoes at a different store... They keep selling him the same red pair that are like 20 sizes too big.

Back to dinner, we were tryin' tha New Deli Restaurant cross da corner. Dude at the table next to us was totaly pimpin. Wanted to tell him he gots mad skilz 'cept he had his fly on the DL.

Props out to Midwest Air for the free ride.

Peace I'm Audi.