Saturday, May 30, 2009

Here's Molly!

Here is Molly and Marcus sharing a blanket for tummy time. Every time I lay her down, Marcus thinks he needs to lay down, too, and put a blanket on top.

Nascar Marcus!

Here are a couple pictures of Marcus playing with his trains. I don't know if you can tell but he is wearing nascar pajamas and a hat from Cars the movie. He loves race cars. Actually, to Marcus, there are only race cars and trucks. He doesn't even acknowledge other plain old cars.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Never buy a casio camera

By the way, NEVER by a casio camera, they suck!

Here is Molly today

Here is Molly as of 10 min ago. We had her 2 week check up on Tuesday and she grew a 1/4" and a pound! She likes to eat! Speaking of... she is crying... got to go...

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Do you like my flowers from Matt? I thought they were gorgeous and wanted you all to see!

Here is Grandma Micki for all the internet to see! Grandma will probably not like her picture on here... too bad, it's my blog! haha.... Love you! I just love this picture of Molly!

I love this picture, too. She looks like the shape of one of the "Barrel o' Monkeys". She is just chillin in her boppy pillow.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Marcus!!!

Here is Marcus on his 2nd birthday! He was more excited about the m&m's on his cupcake than anything else. He did blow out his candles like a pro!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Have you figured it yout yet?

Ok, here's a hint. Marcus is the big one. Oh... and Molly is the one dreased in white.

Oh, wait... That doesn't answer the riddle in our last post. Marcus is the baby with the yellow blanket, and Molly is all in white.

On the way home from the hospital yesterday, we stopped at G-UNIT HQ (Papa, Lala, & Gramma Lou's place, Kalee needed a translation). Marcus wanted to hold the baby after he saw every body else doing it. So momma lent a hand. The consensus is that he's pretty cool with a new sister at home. We'll have to see this weekend when he's home with her 24x7. Until then he's still rockin' out at play-school. Which I think he prefers to being at home anyway.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Who's that girl... err boy?

So can you tell who's who? Good Luck! In future posts we'll unveil the dynamic duo.

Until then stay tuned -- Same bat-channel, same bat-time.

She's Here!

Molly Elizabeth arrived yesterday at 5:17 PM. Her prefight weigh in put her in at 21 1/2 inches with a ground pounding weight of 8 lbs 13 oz.

As you can see both contestants faired well. The judges gave Molly a unanimous win, on cuteness points.

At the Zoo

Kalee, Marcus, and I went to the zoo last Saturday. I think Kalee was hoping that it would make her go into labor, but instead we just got some nice pictures.

Marcus just loves the fish and the peacocks and peahens, but didn't want to pet the really-really tame goats.

We bought a zoo pass this year so I think Marcus and I will be going there a bunch this year to give momma a break or two.