Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Newman's New Man (hangin with the nephs)

So last night I got to hang with the Newman's new man.  Thomas James Newman was born Saturday Night, (February 25th).  Big bro Sam was awesome, and I got to be the awful uncle who teaches bad words and tickles and wrestles the kids till they scream.  Consensus is that Sam looks like Sarah and Tommy looks like daddy Mike.

Congrats to both!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Christmas 2011... kinda late.

here are a couple fun pics from Christmas.  Chaney and Molly are so cute...

Really she is just after his brownie...
got it!
And this is the best family pic we got in all of 2011! Except the one jessi got in the fall.  She only got 5 minutes to take pics of our family.  my kids are impossible. But they have fun!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Finally, some Christmas pics for ya!

It has been a fairly uneventful winter. We mostly watch tv, because that is what the kids like and it's easy.  Fortunately, a person can show them educational stuff from time to time.  When not watching tv, we end up with broken arms and fingers stuck in treadmills. So, usually, tv it is!  I can not wait till summer is here. We could all use some time outside!  We haven't had  a lot of snow till recently. Last year Molly didn't love it outside, but this year she does.  I had to make them come in because it was dark outside.

After naps today, we intend to go back out there!   We also went to Bounce U this winter.  This was before Molly broke her arm. I wanted to make sure it was good and healed before I took her back there. You can see her at the top of this big slide.  They really had a lot of fun here.  Will add more pics soon.