Monday, November 29, 2010

Papa's Birthday and Thanksgiving at Aunt Jessi's....

So today is Grandpa Jim's birthday!  We wanted to go to his house to make sure he got his gift from Marcus and Molly, mostly Marcus.  He got a fishin game for ages 4+.  Marcus says they have it at church and he wanted to get that! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA!!!

 Aren't they cute?!
 Molly says cheeeeeese, and wants you to take her picture.

 Look another picture with all of us in it!!!! It is a Christmas miracle!!!  We took this picture at Jessi and Casey's house in front of their tree, cuz I didn't think it would ever happen at our house, in front of our tree!  Thanks Aunt Jessi's for hosting thanksgiving, we had a great time!

Love, Kalee.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We went to Philladelphia the first week of November.  Molly had a perfect checkup.  No new tumors. The old ones still look dead.  No treatments of any kind.  Come back in 6 months.  We could not be happier!  Molly is horrible on the plane rides, but other than that, pretty uneventful.  Marcus always has so much fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house, he doesn't want to come home.  Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving.... I know we have a lot to be thankful for.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010 and some other stuff...

Here are some pictures from this weekend.  We had the flu, missed our trip to Tulsa, but managed to go to Grandma Micki's house and hopefully not get everyone there sick!

For only being at Grandma's for just over 24 hours, we got a lot done... Played playdoh, rode trikes around the block, walked the dog, looked at jackolanterns, tirck or treated at walmart, climbed the tree, roller skated, visited gracies house, ate lots of candy and almost no real food at all.
 Here is Molly using the steps from the bathroom, just like her brother used to do to find herself a snack! 

 Gracie, Charlee and Marcus laying on the deck at Grandma's house.  All picking their nose! Perfect picture.
 Marcus and the others trying on the good on fisher price roller skates!  That Grandma has everything.  Fortunately she had the helmets too!
 All the kids in their Halloween costumes before we went to Walmart to trick or treat.  Kinda ghetto, but overall successful. 
 Marcus loves to climb trees.... there just aren't any around here for him to climb! This one is perfect, hope the neighbors don't' mind.  I am pretty sure I have been in that tree too!