Wednesday, November 25, 2009

christmas cookies...

If you ever went to my grandmas house you would have had the best Christmas cookies in the whole world. Here is a picture.  I know you are all jealous!!  If there are any left, I will bring some to Mom's house.

Here is Marcus eating up a cookie!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Pre and Post Thanksgiving...

We went to my parents house this last weekend to celebrate thanksgiving.  It was a quick trip, but always exciting. Marcus absolutely LOVES his cousins and all the running around at grandma and grandpas house. Molly was a little scared of being out of her element.  She warmed up after a bit.  She was really scared of the dog.  Even if she was being held and the dog would walk by, she was in tears with her bottom lip sticking out.  This week we will do thanksgiving at Matt's parents house.  Hopefully I can get my Christmas stuff up.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I tried to sew some stuff...

A new sleep sack for Molly...

So, my mother in law bought me a sewing machine a couple years ago. I have never had the time to figure it out. About a month ago, Sheila came over and we made a blanket together and she kind of gave me the run down on how to sew. I have been playing around, making some poor quality items such as these. I will never be a great seamstress, but it is kind of fun to try new things.

Some hats I made...

The blanket Sheila and I made...


I am making some curtains for Molly's room, stay tuned for pictures (it will be a while)!

Molly is 6 Months Old...

You like my big red bow?

This is how Marcus eats a gumball.

Sitting up like a big girl,

Isn't she cute?


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday Afternoon,

I'm just beginning to see, now I'm on my way
It doesn't matter to me, chasing the clouds away.

The weather here has been great. Sunny, high in the seventies on Sunday. Strange for November. I think Kalee's mentioned it but Molly's platelet counts have been going up and down. Today she made a dramatic increase (like 50% more) from yesterday, so no need for infusions. That's pretty good news. Hopefully everything will be A-OK ++ for our next trip out to Philadelphia.

Something, calls to me,
The trees are drawing me near, I've got to find out why.
Those gentle voices I hear, explain it all with a sigh.

I'm looking at myself reflections of my mind,
It's just the kind of day to leave myself behind.
So gently swaying through the fairyland of love,
If you'll just come with me you'll see the beauty of

Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon.

-- The Moody Blues

Friday, November 6, 2009

ON the mend...

So Molly had to receive platelets last week.  Matt took her in for more lab work on Thursday, and her platelets were the same as a couple days before so that means she is making her own now.  Hopefully she is on the mend.  We go back again next week for more lab work just to be sure.

On a lighter note, Matt gave me my Christmas present early! A new little, bitty laptop! This is so much better than the old one I had. It is so tiny and cute.  It doesn't sound like it is going to lift off, when I go to Thomas and Friends web site for Marcus.  How exciting.  Have a great weekend.  Kalee.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Pictures 2009...

Marcus and Molly were both bumble bees, but never in costume at the same time! Matt was a very cool werewolf.  It is funny, I have never typed werewolf before.

Molly had her chemo last week.  She ended up having to get platelets today.  We will go back later this week for more lab work to see if she needs more.  She is doing really good though.  Hope everyone had a great Halloween!