Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yes, Yes, it has been a while...

...But I have been busy doing something important, I'm sure. Anyway, lots to blog about.  Marcus and Molly got to visit Santa for the first time ever!  Marcus was quite hesitant and took a LOT of persuading to go sit on his lap.  Molly on the other hand, kept going back to see him. She would put her hands up for him to pick her up.  She was very interested in him.
Love the background, don't you?
Marcus helped me bake some cookies the other day.  And they both helped me frost and eat them. of course.  Notice Molly's work area is in complete disarray.  And she has eaten all her cookies.  She is definitly my kiddo.  Marcus is a bit more like his dad.
Mmmmmmm... cookies.  Molly likes to eat hers, frosting side first. That's right. It's kinda messy.
My good little helper!! Most of the time!
Me and the kids. Not my best look, but the kids make me cute, right?