Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's a....

Just kidding! NO baby yet! I am sick and tired of being pregnant. I think Marcus would like his mom back as well. Maybe next week!

Matt's sister Sarah had her little boy on Sunday. Very cute, can't wait to meet him. Little Sammy! I am very jealous!

Ice Cream, Candy and Cars!

If this picture could talk, it would say "I Love Ice Cream!!!!!"

Here is Marcus at his first Easter egg hunt. I didn't bring a basket like most people would. So I grabbed this bag out of my car and put it around his neck and arm. It worked pretty good. Especially since Marcus would pick up a piece, eat it, then pick up another one. Not so productive.

This is from Easter at Grandma's house. The easter bunny brought match box cars in the eggs. Good idea easter bunny! Even now, all Marcus wants to do is play cars. Unfortunately for this fat mama, he wants to play on the floor!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

More Random Pictures!

Marcus had his friend Charlie over today! They had so much fun! Marcus even shared some of his toys! haha! Thanks for playing Charlie, we will have to do that again sometime!

If Marcus could be outside all day everyday, his life would be perfect!

Thanks to Fred, we have a new bike thing! Matt took Marcus for a ride yesterday. Marcus of course loved it, and just kept climbing back in the thing. Even this morning, he kept telling me he wanted to go for a bike ride! This mama is too fat!

Here is my little helper in the kitchen. He says to me, "I cook!" He likes to push up a chair and mix things in a bowl. I need to find an apron for a little kid!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Finally a new Camera!

With 4 weeks to go, you can see there is no lap left for Marcus to sit on! So sad!

Do you like my orange balls of playdough? Marcus really loves playing playdough... Thank you Aunt Jessi!

I love this picture of Matt and Marcus! They have so much fun together. Marcus loves his dad soooo much!