Monday, September 20, 2010

Visit to O'Niell...

I snapped this picture of Marcus on the way home from Great Grandpa Richter's house.  Looks very similar to a previous post of Colby.  Kinda funny! (really funny if you axe me, -Matt)

Marcus did not stop talking till he fell asleep! 

Classic family photo at Grandpa's house.  The kids were looking at the dog. This was the best one. Impossible.
Rock Star Molly!
Marcus's official first day of preschool picture.
It is at his usual daycare, so he just thought I was nuts!  But he smiled anyway!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bales From Beyond (the fence)

Ages ago I went on a fishing trip with my father-in-law, grand-father-in-law, and a couple of my wife's uncles (I'm sure they're some sort of in-law's, but who really knows).  I was joined by Colby (b-i-l, below-right), and another outlaw, Torry, seen here.  We had a pretty good time, but I didn't catch any fish.  I can't say why, but my best hit was when I was dangling a spoon over the side and a white bass jumped out of the water, hit it, and must have caught the treble, because that spoon ripped right off the line.  I think I had that spoon for like 26 years.

So Colby couldn't keep it together for the ride home and as you can see was pretty sleepy.  I think the picture is a classic, and should probably be framed and hung above our mantle, but Kalee has another idea for what should go there.  Anyway, props Colby.  I don't think I could sleep like that.

We're heading to O'Neill this weekend, and maybe we'll see some more bales like these on the way.  It's been a pretty wet summer so who knows, they may have gotten so many cuttings they could be littered across the highway.  I jest, but can't wait to take that mini vay kay.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Marcus and I went to the zoo while I was on vacation last week. We had a really great time. He kept asking me to take him to the bubble monkeys, but I have know idea what those even are let alone where to find them at the zoo.  We did find the "budgie" parakeets though.  It's a net enclosure that we could enter and interact with the birds.  They even sell popsicle sticks with something like caramel and sesame seeds on one end to feed the birds.  Marcus convinced one of the yellow ones to perch on the end of his while it ate away at the seeds.  I think some if not all had at one time been pets, because a number are willing to rest on your hand if you're gentle and direct enough.

I don't know who this fine fellow on the left is.  He was kind enough to pose for us while we were at the Gorilla house.