Saturday, August 29, 2009

Air Show 2009!

We were going to go to the parade today, but I got out voted and instead we went to the air show at Offut. it was very exciting and loud. They dropped people with parachutes out of planes, and there were crazy air planes they looked like they were falling and then would go again. It was nuts! Marcus got to sit in a plane and push all the buttons. He really had a great time. We took Molly with, she mostly slept.

Update on Molly

Molly seems to be feeling a bit better today more than yesterday. AND I bumped her mobile that hangs over her face in bed this morning and she seemed like she looked right at it! So I think she can see some more than before. That's all for now... Kalee.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Marcus!

Here is a cute picture of Marcus!

Day 2, Round 2...

Molly lookin all cute...

...Molly asleep...


We are home from the hospital and Molly did great. Mostly, she slept. I think her little tummy is a bit upset. She already doesn't want to eat as much and she seems like it is more of a struggle to keep things from coming up than usual. Right now, she seems to be pretty happy and playing and smiling! I hope this time it is a little easier on Molly. I plan to keep her on the Tylenol with codeine and the anti nausea/vomiting meds. for a good couple days. If she sleeps for a few days, fine with me. Thanks for everything to everyone!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 1 Update

So it's been a long day. It's 11 PM; I just got off a conference call for work; and Kalee and the kids are in bed.

Today's chemo seemed to go well. Kalee and Molly arrived at the hospital about 10 AM and were there until 3 PM. Molly seemed well the whole time, and was enjoying bouncing and kicking on daddy's lap.

Last Wednesday, Molly had a port surgically implanted. With that she won't have to have an i-v line placed in a vein every time, but she still is "stuck" with needle to connect the port with the i-v lines. It seems to bother her a lot less than a regular i-v, but that may be because her arm had to be taped down to a splint to make sure she wouldn't accidentally pull the i-v line out of her arm.

In the next couple of days, nausea is common, and on Mondays & Tuesdays, Molly has to take an antibiotic to protect against a type of pneumonia, which isn't great for her stomach either. So between those two, it's no wonder that she had a pretty good spit-up this evening.

We're getting a little anxious about next months visit to the doctors in Philadelphia. We'll see the ophthalmologist again, and have a better idea about Molly's progress. One thing we've noticed is that she has a blink reflex when things come close to her face. That's something that wasn't happening just 4 weeks ago. It may be related to her age, as this type of reflex increases with growth/development or it may be a sign of progress. I really don't know.

Thanks everyone for all your prayers. Hopefully Molly will rebound a little quicker than last time (we think she caught a stomach flu just after her previous chemo treatment). And already it's nicer being home, instead of on the road.

Day 1, Round 2

Today was Molly's second round of chemo, Day 1. We go back tomorrow morning for the rest of this treatment. She did really great! Slept through most of it. It is the next few days that sucked last time. Hopefully, this time will be better. I guess we will see. I feel like all we do is wait. Wait for time to go by... to see if chemo is working. I feel like it is working. More to come...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Play Time!

Molly is starting to lose her hair. Matt's aunt said that happens at day 17, and it did. Molly will have a line placed on Wednesday this week and then chemo Monday and Tuesday next week. Hopefully all will go well for all of this. Also, Molly rolled over for the first time on Sunday! Yeah!!!

Molly and her dolly...playin in the exer-saucer thingy.

This was the same day as the last post, but after her nap! Happy baby!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Here's Molly!

I finally took some cute pictures of my Molly!

I thought this one is really cute... You can see in her right eye the kind of white look in the pupil. That is what you don't want to see in your kids eyes! It is harder to see in the left.

I wish she would have been smiling, but she was kind of tired and not really in the mood for a photo shoot!

Look how big I am getting! I can even wear shoes! Thank you Grandma Micki!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Painting the Birdhouse...again!

The Best $10 I ever spent...

Here is Marcus painting his birdhouse for the 3rd time, at least. He loves to paint and it could have only been better if it came assembled! That was a bit of work for this mama! As you can see, painting the bird house also means Marcus gets covered in paint. This time it was red and it looked like he was covered in blood. This is his educational activity for the day (just kidding), which is why, some of you may recognize, he is wearing his Funk University t shirt. Thanks Uncle Jack!

Say cheese!


Monday, August 10, 2009


Some times you just gotta. You'll get wet but that's what it's all about. Eyes open or closed, doesn't matter, it won't change whether the the float will move away. What matters is what you do when you hit the water.

You can know that it's deep enough and that those early morning summer swim lessons, in that cold pool prepared you. The float may move, but not so fast you can't catch it. The fish tickling your ankles won't stop you. It will be there when you reach for it.

The picture's from a fishing trip a couple of years ago. Kalee's cousins were jumping from a dock on Lake Sharpe, SD. It could been Francis Case, I think we were on both.

If you've been keeping Molly in your thoughts and prayers, here's some things to think about. When the cancer's gone, there will be scars left where tumors were. Hopefully the surrounding retina will settle down and the scars won't be too big. These scars are the damaged parts of Molly's retinas. Her tumors are in the macular part of her eyes, so any damage there can have profound effects. Molly has her second round of chemo in about two weeks. Please pray for continued good health until then, and in the end the scars from the tumors are small, and that Molly will be able to see.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Feed Me (or How I Learned to Love the Plant)

So we named this guy Seymour. Maybe it should have been Audry, but I'm not that big of a movie geek. Anyway, Kalee received this plant from her cousin Liz. I think it looks like the man eating plant from Little Shop of Horrors. Judge for yourself.

It's flora and fauna day here at the show. Marcus and I were outside (duh) and he wanted me to make sure I took a picture of the bee. He had a hard time seeing the dragon fly, so I took a picture of it too to show to him.

EDIT: An update, Seymour is an Epiphyllum oxypetalum. It is a type of cactus, native to Central America. The link above is to Wikipedia, and has some other cool links including a time-lapse video of one blooming. From the looks of it the pictures we have here are probably just before or just after blooming.

Molly Update: We went to the oncologist twice this week, and both times her blood counts were good, I guess this is the thing they check the most, to ensure that she isn't at risk of infection. The chemo really reduces your immune system, which is mostly based on white blood cells. She has an earache and doesn't like the medicine for that very much. Otherwise, she seems to be doing a lot better, and is her happy playful self.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Thank you!

Thank you, everyone.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts prayers.

Thank you everyone for your gifts.

An update... Molly is improving after her first round of chemo, but we think that she picked up the bug that Kalee had while we were in Philadelphia. Molly is much improved since Friday and Saturday, but we're still concerned.

In other news we have some sort of stemmed succulent that's starting to bloom. We received as a trimming from Kalee's cousin a couple of years ago, but we're still not sure what kind of plant it is. It had two blooms on it, but one was on a stem that was crushed by a nearby chair. We'll post some pictures... It kinda looks like Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Marcus and Molly!

Here is a cute little picture of Marcus and Molly! I can't believe I got a picture of both of them smiling. This is before the trip to Philly. Today is Saturday, and Molly is finally starting to be less fussy. I don't know if it is all the meds or what. But bottom line... Aren't they cute?!

I know that Molly likes it when Marcus is around. He is always jumping on her and practically beating her up and giving me a heart attack, and she just smiles. She hasn't smiled for a few days now, but when Marcus came around, she did. It is funny that she knows us already.