Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Best... Ride... Ev Her!

OK, so I hope Pixar (read Disney) considers this fair use. Well I can only hope...

Russell here has probably the best ride ever. Two-stroke, helium gravitational force compensation, vertical-take-off-and-landing, infinite-vector variable-speed ducted fan propulsion, personal transportation system. Marcus likes it too. He has to watch the floating house movie at least once a day, and if he can get more, all the better.

I had a dream about the characters last night. Kalee and I couldn't remember Carl Fredrickson first name. We thought it was Walter for the longest time, but in the middle of a cold-sweat inducing night terror, it came to me. CARL! How could I ever forget.

Marcus's sharing abilities have really been on the rise. Just last night, while Kalee and I had our eyes off him for six (6) seconds, he climbed up a chair. Got his jelly beans that Lala gave him the night before. Filled a flashing light enabled goblet. And then shared with Molly. Molly has teeth, two (2) to be exact, but they are like 1/64th of an inch long at the moment. As you can guess not so great for chewing jelly beans. Try as she did, not a lot going with just gum action.

By the way, Molly let us know that in her opinion, she should have been able to keep gumming that jelly bean.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Where's That Blogger?

So, Kalee confessed to me late last week that she just can't keep up with blogging, because she is spending too much time... micro-blogging.

It's true. For every minute I used to spend playing games like W.o.W., Kalee spends an hour furiously facebooking away, dropping critically acclaimed comments the latest post about visiting the "State of Chicago" and giving her peeps a tweet-out on just how great that bowl of Cheerios was. (Peeps, tweet, it's almost Easter, umm num num, sugar coated marshmallow)

OK, I'm probably exaggerating. I'm probably the last person I know without a Facespace or Mybook page. But it's a point of pride. I let my buddie (as in Lee) Brian know that "i wnt gnna get no fb acct i ant no 12 yo grl".

Anyway, I probably should get a account, so I can finally get friend-ed. No one knows how lonely I've been lately without every one I know relating back their thoughs on the status of my last trip to the restroom.

So, in other news, Molly has determined that she has an opinion. I was hoping for a slightly longer span, but I suppose I'll be able to work through the next 22 years and 3 months till she's an almost normal human (Molly's nine months, do the math :). Kalee is now asking Marcus to tell me when he has poopie in his pants. He lets us both know that "I'm the boss here!" And finally, Kalee picked me up a bunny suit for Valentines day. You might get a picture if you're lucky!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hearing test post chemo...

Apparently some of the kinds of chemo that Molly recieved can be hard on the ears. So they did a hearing test before chemo, and it was perfect.  She had her post chemo hearing test today, and it was perfect also.  I was not concerned.  If ever a kid could hear, it is Molly.  I do think she ignors things all ready.  I also got a copy of her MRI report from last week. Everything is good there too.  Tomorrow, Molly has her 9 month well baby check.  Then I don't think we have another dr appt around here till March.  There is absolutely NO WAY a person could maintain a full time job and have a loved one go through something like this.  I am saying a little prayer for all the people that have to try to do that......Amen.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Molly's MRI...

Molly had her MRI today. She did perfect.  Everyone thought she was so cute!  We don't have final results yet, but the preliminary report is all good. Nothing has spread to the brain and her exisiting tumors are much smaller.  All good things.  Next week she has a hearing test. I am not concerned about her hearing.  This is routine after chemo.  Then off to Philly in about a month for another EUA.  Always checking everything all the time.  That is our game plan for now.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Nothing to blog about...

Sorry it has taken so long to post something (Jamie!).. just kidding.  We haven't been doing too much around here.  So unless you want to see pictures of us eating and sitting around in our jammies, you have to wait for decent pictures.  Well, here are a couple...
Marcus has been playing around with my camera lately.  So I have a couple pictures from his angle.  Most of them look like the middle one, with a finger in the way.  But some of them turn out pretty good.  It is funny to see the things he takes pictures of.

Molly has been eating lots, and playing lots. She likes to drink out of her sippy. And just be cute. Marcus likes to help give Molly cheerios. That is why there is soooo many on her tray.  She did go to the eye doctor here in town today.  They said she doesn't need glasses, but she might need to have surgery to correct her crossed eyes.  We go back in a couple months to see him. Then we will talk about that. 

My little artist, Marcus, has been very into the painting lately.  Mostly the little race cars that you buy at Walmart.  I keep refilling the little paint cups with finger paint. It seems to wash off everything easier.  As you will notice, he gets a fair amount on himself.  His dad may influence that some.  Last night, Matt drew tattoos on Marcus in permant marker, including smiley faces on his toes.  What will daycare think of us now??
Here are a couple more cute pictures...

This is Marcus's tent we built on the stairs one day.  I guess tents are always fun.