Sunday, April 24, 2011

Who's that big kid in the middle????

I know I haven't been able to blog much lately.  It seems like I have a lot going on, though I can't claim we have done anything.  Here is a fun picture of Great Grandpa Richter with only a handful of his great grandchildren.  I think he has like 21 and one more on the way (Isaac and Maria's). Good job Grandpa!
We couldn't get to my mom and dad's for Easter this year, so the kids and I ran home last week.  We dyed easter eggs and this is how its done at Grandma Micki's house....
 ....without clothes and ice cream when your done!
 Marcus is checking out his candy after he dumped the basket...

And I don't know why, but I cannot get these cute little pics to turn sideways, so turn your head!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Last June, I filed a harassment complaint against a peer of mine at work. He had regularly been comparing me to Barny Frank (the aged, homosexual Congressman from Boston), making fun of my attire, and had been doing nothing to curtail vulgar and violent outbursts of one of his employees. It resulted me receiving a stern talking to by the resident senior HR specialist, who told me that it was necessary to make fun of some people, as it brought levity to the group, and that I would now be reporting to Steve (the peer I had just accused of harassment). To my surprise they also offered me a pamphlet for counseling, because they had heard of my "son's" retinoblastoma. At the meeting Steve said he would give me the extra attention I was seeking.

So that's exactly what he did. At least once a week, Steve forced me to meet with me for a minimum of an hour, with one session lasting three hours. In each session he would point out to me all of my failings, and how his people were refusing to work with me because of my personality defects. This culminated with Brian, who was once a friend of mine, exclaiming "at least gotten his work done," indicating a failure of my part and some of my coworkers, when Steve had explicitly asked us not to continue. I had had enough and left the meeting, our "daily" with approximately 25 people.

I went to HR again, seeking relief from Steve's continued harassment. Within an hour of my meeting with HR, Steve called me into his office to explain to me how it I was insane to be offended by Brian's comments, and that it was not my decision, whether I was offended by someone's words or actions. I walked out on that meeting. Net result, a week later, I was written up for "disrespecting" Steve and his staff. I had 30 days to shape up or further action would be taken. Worst part about it was that HR handed me one of those pamphlets again, saying they understood about how much stress I was under, at home.

So where's this all lead to? A new job with a 10% pay cut, and me still stressing over it at 12:00 AM in the morning. I've learned a lesson, don't go up against a good story teller, who's willing to use an infant with cancer against a you. Since then, I've been thinking about pursuing legal action, but Omaha is a small city, and I probably wouldn't be employable after that. I tell you what, I love it! If you'd like a copy of my write-up letter, let me know, it's a hoot.

Anyway, enjoy the picture of Molly.  I think it's really cute.  Her hair is so long now, and she's growing like a weed.  I think Marcus only has like 4 lbs. on her.

Monday, April 11, 2011